Corporate Wellness Software vs Employee Assistance Program Software

January 23, 2022

Corporate Wellness Software vs Employee Assistance Program Software

As companies realize the importance of employee health and well-being, they are turning to technology solutions to help them achieve this goal. Two of the most popular software options are corporate wellness software and employee assistance program software. In this blog post, we will compare the two and provide an unbiased assessment of their similarities and differences.

Definition & Features

Corporate Wellness Software is a type of software that focuses on improving the physical and mental well-being of employees through various health programs. Its features include:

  • Tracking fitness goals and progress
  • Offering incentives for employees who meet their health goals
  • Providing health-related resources such as articles, videos, and webinars
  • Integrating with wearable devices to track physical activity

Employee Assistance Program Software is a type of software that aims to help employees deal with personal and work-related issues that may affect their well-being, mental health, or job performance. Its features include:

  • Providing confidential counseling services for employees
  • Offering online resources and tools to help employees manage stress and anxiety
  • Offering legal and financial advice
  • Referring employees to specialized professionals when needed



The main difference between these two software types is their focus. Corporate wellness software concentrates on improving employee physical and mental health through various health-related programs, while employee assistance program software offers counseling and support for dealing with personal or work-related challenges.


While both types of software aim to improve employee well-being, their impact is different. Corporate wellness software can lower healthcare costs and reduce employee absenteeism, while employee assistance program software can help reduce stress and anxiety levels among employees, improving their job satisfaction, and increasing their productivity.

Number of Users

Corporate wellness software is usually offered to all employees, while employee assistance program software is confidential and only accessed by employees who need it.


The cost of each software package varies depending on the features, the number of users, and the company's size. Corporate wellness software can range from $3 to $15 per employee per month, while employee assistance program software can cost from $8 to $20 per employee per month.


In conclusion, choosing between corporate wellness software and employee assistance program software depends on a company's priorities and goals. If the primary focus is improving employee physical and mental health, then corporate wellness software may be a better choice. However, if the company wants to provide confidential support for employees dealing with personal or work-related problems, then employee assistance program software may be a better option.

Regardless of which software a company chooses, investing in employee well-being is increasingly important and can lead to a more productive and satisfied workforce.


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